Sunday, August 31, 2014

30 days until the U.K.!

Today someone was supposed to pick up my chest of drawers.  It was mostly empty anyhow, but I was scrambling to get that sock drawer emptied.  Of course, I was wondering why in the world I had so many socks in there that didn't have mates or had holes, so a trash bag came in quite handy.  One drawer was full of bicycle doodads, stuff I'm taking with me.  Need to really go through that and whittle it down for what is most expedient to the journey.  

The big news is that a generous sponsor came forward to help me with the Prince's Trust Palace to Palace ride on October 5.  Oh, I really wanted to do it but I may be leaving the USA with not much $$$ in my pocket.. or £££.  Now I have my entrance fee paid for and I will have the money for the train to and from Scotland.  I am going to be freaking knackered and I don't care one bit!!!  45 miles of London with British accents all around me via thousands of other cyclists... it's going to be massively Heaven.  Still need to raise £120... but all this is in God's hands, not mine!  So I know it will happen!

Now to start tweeting like a fiend to see if I can find anyone from the Hertford area who is doing the ride who can give me a lift to Hertford afterwards so that possibly I can be in line and get into the Sherlock panel discussion.  So, let's see what social networking can really do for me.  I chose the earliest start times available so that I could finish as quickly as possible. I know I can't afford a taxi from Windsor to Hertford.  And off we go...tweeting away.

Now to just keep whittling away at the stuff... none of it is staying, but I just have to figure out where it's all going.

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