Last night someone came by and picked up my three framed original 1-sheets of CAMELOT, CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG and THE SOUND OF MUSIC (1973 re-release poster). Okay, I am trying not to be sentimental for anything that I owned, but those three things were very special to me, and I hope that I found them a good home. I tried to sell them but got no takers and ended up having to just give them away because I had to get rid of them. I simply couldn't store them. When I had had them professionally framed many years ago, I had specifically asked the framers to dry mount the posters because I never intended to get rid of them, so any value they held was inconsequential to the sentiment they held.
Of course, they are all easy enough to replace thanks to eBay. Well, maybe not THE SOUND OF MUSIC, but that's fine. CAMELOT had the absolutely most beautiful key-art of the three. Just astounding work. It was more art than advertising.
But they are gone now, and I have had a very busy evening trying to do laundry and sort through clothing because I have a neighbor driving me to the thrift store to drop stuff off, and I've got one chance to do it, so I need to make certain I have everything gathered up that can be gathered. My apartment is coming apart at every nook and cranny... nothing soon to be left. It's all going away.
Basically I am taking 4 pieces with me on the plane - the bike, a large suitcase, a box of camping gear (and even that might have to be pre-shipped), and my laptop. That's it. Everything else will be gone from my life. Everything stripped barren. I will leave some items in Scotland for next winter when I return, but basically, if I can't put it on the bike, it's not coming with me.
I'm still so chuffed about the Hertford Theatre and how kind they have been to me. I have a feeling that after the screening and Q&A, that bicycle magic will happen. The magic of that day is not over, but what doors will God open for me? I don't know, but I am prepared for magic and adventure.
A shame that you had to "give" your prized posters away. But like you said, you can always replace them from ebay if you ever want to. I may just check for the Camelot one.. That is my all time favorite musical and movie! Everything is falling into place and your leave date is fast approaching. It must be very 'freeing' to be getting rid of all the "stuff" as George Carlin always called it. Stuff can be replaced but opportunities don't always come around again, so I am astonished (and thrilled for you) that you are taking this path at this time in your life! I wish you all the luck in the world!! xoxo