I have restless soul syndrome. I really do. I need to be challenged. I need to be moving, I need to have variety. I need to not look at the clock because I am totally in the moment. I have a need to be fully engaged in the moment, in life. Too often I am shut down.
I don't think I'm better than anyone else, but I can't ever go back to a 9-5 job where I'm pushing pencils and papers. I've been there and done that, and it's time for someone else to do it. I've worked for $2 an hour and for $45 an hour and all sorts of salaries in between. I've bussed tables, been a maid, worked fast food, fetched coffee, designed Flash animation during the dot.com bubble, built websites, booked talent, sang for my supper, and I've largely been bored out of my mind. So thanks but no thanks, I don't want that anymore.
I'm 54 years old this year. Some people start planning for their retirement. I have no intention of ever retiring. I'm staying engaged in life. I plan to keep moving, to keep learning, to keep seeing what's out there, and I plan to do it on the bike.
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