So it has happened with my last two big rides - I couldn't sleep the night afterwards. I should have slept like a log but my body was restless. After the first of the two, I was slightly achy. Not muscle achy - more of just overall a little something indescribable. Then yesterday I did a 47 miler, and I didn't have that overall ache, just hot and couldn't cool down. I should have slept soundly but did not.
The Ballona Creek bike path - looking east |
So now I am wondering, what will happen when I'm going across the USA after long days in the saddle? Will I sleep or will I toss and turn restlessly? That has me a little concerned. After yesterday's ride, I noticed I had dropped 5 lbs, which I'm sure was all sweat! I drank a ton of water out there and only used the public restroom at Temescal Canyon. Even after I got home and guzzled water for a bit, it took at least an hour before I had to go.
The June 2 route. Very good ride. |
I was wondering how I'd feel today, if I wanted to hop back onto the bike and go to church. I definitely didn't feel the exhaustion I felt last week, but I was a little chaffed, and I'm realizing just how much I wish I had a pair of chamois-crotch biking shorts. However, I don't feel I've earned them or a real cycling jersey. I need to still drop a lot more weight before I can even find one in a reasonable size. Also I need to drop the weight before I get a road bike because they aren't built for someone of my weight.
I also wanted to force my body to get back onto the bike, because that will be totally necessary when doing sequential heavy riding days. So, I did go to church and came back, and the ride was fine except for the chafing.
I need to get more fig newtons.
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